LeetCode 641 设计循环双端队列

1 题目描述



  • a)MyCircularDeque(k): 构造器,设置双端队列的容量

  • b)insertFront(): 在头部插入元素,若操作成功则返回true

  • c)insertLast(): 在尾部插入元素,若操作成功则返回true

  • d)deleteFront(): 删除头部元素,若操作成功则返回true

  • e)deleteLast(): 删除尾部元素,若操作成功则返回true

  • f)getFront(): 查询头部元素,若队列为空返回-1

  • g)getRear(): 查询尾部元素,若队列为空返回-1

  • h)isEmpty(): 队列是否为空

  • i)isFull(): 队列是否已满


MyCircularDeque circularDeque = new MycircularDeque(3); // set the size to be 3
circularDeque.insertLast(1);			// return true
circularDeque.insertLast(2);			// return true
circularDeque.insertFront(3);			// return true
circularDeque.insertFront(4);			// return false, the queue is full
circularDeque.getRear();  			// return 2
circularDeque.isFull();				// return true
circularDeque.deleteLast();			// return true
circularDeque.insertFront(4);			// return true
circularDeque.getFront();			// return 4


  • a)所有元素值位于区间[0,1000];

  • b)所有操作个数位于区间[1,1000];

  • c)请勿直接使用内置双端队列实现。


2 简版解决思路及代码


type MyCircularDeque struct {
    stores []int
    cap    int

func Constructor(k int) MyCircularDeque {
    return MyCircularDeque{cap: k}

func (this *MyCircularDeque) InsertFront(value int) bool {
    if this.cap == len(this.stores) {
        return false
    this.stores = append([]int{value}, this.stores...)
    return true

func (this *MyCircularDeque) InsertLast(value int) bool {
    if this.cap == len(this.stores) {
        return false
    this.stores = append(this.stores, value)
    return true

func (this *MyCircularDeque) DeleteFront() bool {
    if 0 == len(this.stores) {
        return false
    this.stores = this.stores[1:]
    return true

func (this *MyCircularDeque) DeleteLast() bool {
    if 0 == len(this.stores) {
        return false
    this.stores = this.stores[:len(this.stores)-1]
    return true

func (this *MyCircularDeque) GetFront() int {
    if 0 == len(this.stores) {
        return -1
    return this.stores[0]

func (this *MyCircularDeque) GetRear() int {
    if 0 == len(this.stores) {
        return -1
    return this.stores[len(this.stores)-1]

func (this *MyCircularDeque) IsEmpty() bool {
    return 0 == len(this.stores)

func (this *MyCircularDeque) IsFull() bool {
    return this.cap == len(this.stores)

3 优化版解决思路及代码




type node struct {
    val  int
    pre  *node
    next *node

type MyCircularDeque struct {
    front *node
    rear  *node
    len   int
    cap   int

func Constructor(k int) MyCircularDeque {
    return MyCircularDeque{&node{}, &node{}, 0, k}

func (this *MyCircularDeque) InsertFront(value int) bool {
    if this.cap == this.len {
        return false
    if 0 == this.len {
        this.front = &node{val: value}
        this.rear = this.front
    } else {
        front := this.front
        this.front = &node{val: value, next: front}
        front.pre = this.front
    return true

func (this *MyCircularDeque) InsertLast(value int) bool {
    if this.cap == this.len {
        return false
    if 0 == this.len {
        this.rear = &node{val: value}
        this.front = this.rear
    } else {
        rear := this.rear
        this.rear = &node{val: value, pre: rear}
        rear.next = this.rear
    return true

func (this *MyCircularDeque) DeleteFront() bool {
    if 0 == this.len {
        return false
    next := this.front.next
    if nil == next {
        this.front = nil
        this.rear = nil
    } else {
        this.front = this.front.next
        this.front.pre = nil
    return true

func (this *MyCircularDeque) DeleteLast() bool {
    if 0 == this.len {
        return false
    pre := this.rear.pre
    if nil == pre {
        this.rear = nil
        this.front = nil
    } else {
        this.rear = this.rear.pre
        this.rear.next = nil
    return true

func (this *MyCircularDeque) GetFront() int {
    if 0 == this.len {
        return -1
    return this.front.val

func (this *MyCircularDeque) GetRear() int {
    if 0 == this.len {
        return -1
    return this.rear.val

func (this *MyCircularDeque) IsEmpty() bool {
    return 0 == this.len

func (this *MyCircularDeque) IsFull() bool {
    return this.cap == this.len

